Aum avec la famille dans lakaz / Aum with the family at home (2019)
SD Video including Archival Footage of the Artist's family, Sound, 17min 49sec, looped
'Aum avec la famille dans lakaz', portrays moments of prayer with my family in Milan, Mauritius and London, three countries I consider home. In this video it is possible to see the lamp I made when my family came to London. They blessed my room and brought some Gods and together we made an offering of this small lamp.
Nu al fair Aum au Temple / Let's go praying to the Temple (2019)
Full HD Digital Video, Projection, Sound, 9 min, looped
'Nu al fair Aum au temple', is a voyage inside the Mauritian community and shows a prayer which took place in May in Milan. The people walking in the streets bring their Goddesses to ask for blessings, the incense and people wearing saris, contrast with the European buildings. This represents the diaspora effect as the Mauritian community brings their culture and religion to a place that does not belong to them. Both works explore the theme of spirituality, in this video installation aims to involve the spectator in this spiritual dimension to recreate the feeling of walking with these people in the streets of Milan.
Vashish Soobah 2019
SD Video including Archival Footage of the Artist's family, Sound, 17min 49sec, looped
'Aum avec la famille dans lakaz', portrays moments of prayer with my family in Milan, Mauritius and London, three countries I consider home. In this video it is possible to see the lamp I made when my family came to London. They blessed my room and brought some Gods and together we made an offering of this small lamp.
Nu al fair Aum au Temple / Let's go praying to the Temple (2019)
Full HD Digital Video, Projection, Sound, 9 min, looped
'Nu al fair Aum au temple', is a voyage inside the Mauritian community and shows a prayer which took place in May in Milan. The people walking in the streets bring their Goddesses to ask for blessings, the incense and people wearing saris, contrast with the European buildings. This represents the diaspora effect as the Mauritian community brings their culture and religion to a place that does not belong to them. Both works explore the theme of spirituality, in this video installation aims to involve the spectator in this spiritual dimension to recreate the feeling of walking with these people in the streets of Milan.
Vashish Soobah 2019
Postgraduate Exhibition
MA Artists' Film
& Moving Image
19-23 July 2019
Small Pool
Laurie Grove Baths
6 Laurie Grove
London SE14 6NH
See you there!