Enduring Body (2018) explores the rumours and stories that revolve around the serial death of a group of elementary school teachers in a Thai countryside town. Events that seem unrelated spread like cancer cells through the town where an elementary school, a crocodile pond, cha-cha music and the afterlife become entangled.
The work is inspired by an incident at my elementary school where a number of teachers died mysteriously one after another from cancer. I first heard about the story at a dinner with my relatives, so I think it created a kind of gossip in the town. To be honest, I didn’t have a good time in elementary school, especially with teachers. Some of them also died in this incident however I didn’t feel sad at all. The reason I am interested in using this story is mainly because it feels strange and mysterious (and with a little personal satisfaction). I always collect stories from different places, and in this work as well. I combine my teacher’s death with online gossip that no one can mention publicly in Thailand, which is treated as if it had never existed. Inevitably, cancer is a terrifying, powerful sickness but for me something much scarier is a body or structure that seems able to endure everything and anything no matter how painful.
Ukrit Sa-nguanhai 2018
The work is inspired by an incident at my elementary school where a number of teachers died mysteriously one after another from cancer. I first heard about the story at a dinner with my relatives, so I think it created a kind of gossip in the town. To be honest, I didn’t have a good time in elementary school, especially with teachers. Some of them also died in this incident however I didn’t feel sad at all. The reason I am interested in using this story is mainly because it feels strange and mysterious (and with a little personal satisfaction). I always collect stories from different places, and in this work as well. I combine my teacher’s death with online gossip that no one can mention publicly in Thailand, which is treated as if it had never existed. Inevitably, cancer is a terrifying, powerful sickness but for me something much scarier is a body or structure that seems able to endure everything and anything no matter how painful.
Ukrit Sa-nguanhai 2018
Postgraduate Exhibition
MA Artists' Film
& Moving Image
Small Pool
Laurie Grove Baths
6 Laurie Grove
London SE14 6NH
See you there!